Introductory Passages
Creating the World we Feel
Common to all Creatures and People of all Cultures
Being Awake and Aware
A Forgotten Part of Life's Balance
Listening out and Nowness

Supplementary Pages to Chapter One
A Human Birthright
An Everyday Panoramic Experience
Secondary Lookout Experiments
Panoramic Hunting
Wide Angle Vision

General Sensing Extras
The Two Modes Of Sensing
The Various Intensities of Sensing

Supplementary Pages to Chapter Two
Focusing on the Present Moment
We're not Slave to our Senses – We Treat Our Senses Like Slaves
Links and Videos on Peripheral Vision

Supplementary Pages to Chapters Three
The Speed of Modern Life
Life is a Game
Follow the Leader
Safety and Security
Human Display and Clothing
Population and Inflation
Inflation and Debt

Supplementary Pages to Chapter Four
The History
History of Rotary Motion
Development of The Wheel
General Development of the Meanings of Dukkha and Sukkha
The Teaching
Buddha's First Noble Truth
The Transmission of the Teachings
Suffering: The Traditional First Truth
The Buddhist Dharmachakra
The Fourth Truth - The Eightfold Path
The Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna - References

Supplementary Pages to Chapter Five
The New-Age Religions
Alan Watts and Peripheral Vision
Personal Religion vs.Gaia
The Death Stewpot

Supplementary Pages to Chapter Six and Seven
Backs to the Wind
Animal Rights in the Modern World
Do animals have an ego?
Childhood Experiences and Sidetracks
Meditation Methods
Development of Body and Breath Exercises
Looking with two eyes

Please Contact Me with any ideas or questions - Robin Stuart
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