meerkat on the lookoutPanoramic sensing in its most intense form as animals use it, is a state of being ready and waiting. bluetits on the lookout

Land animals watch over panoramic areas in order to sense random changes and movements. Birds are exceptionally quick, their sensitivity to ultraviolet light allows them to see life forms. kingfisher watching and waiting

Predatory birds watch for several seconds waiting for the first signs of moving its ears, listening

Horses and foxes hold their ears still to check for sounds.

hedgehog scenting the breezeTo see or hear animals need to stay still. Whereas a beaver or hedgehog scenting the breeze will usually move his head.

Humans don't have the same needs as animals, but most of these guidelines still apply.

Be motionless and hold the head still. If you are moving, there is less awareness of everything else which is moving.

And frequent short periods are the best way to relearn this talent. They reduce the concentrated work-load, and if it's interesting or enjoyable you'll want to repeat it. Also, short regular periods of stimulation will act as a catalyst: they are the best way to tell your subconscious "it's time to remember".

Go Outside

To do this in the optimal way, find somewhere outside with a full open view and no walls. Animals developed this sense for use outdoors where things are moving and changing, long before humans invented safety indoors. Indoors, there is no natural basis or incentive to go panoramic.

Going outside is probably the most difficult guideline. I had luck, i learnt during a sunny spell in spring and i was in a garden everyday. There are a number of ways to develop the ability indoors, at night, and in winter. But to get the full effect with panoramic vision you need an open view, with birds and the occasional squirrel.

See Going Panoramic for more on the basic approach. The Various Intensities of Panoramic Sensing explores the different qualities, from the vacant gaze to pre-emptive awareness.

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