From the way we sense and the way we use our senses, we create the world we feel.

This has often been said, but usually, almost always, argues for a psychological change of perspective – it is only rarely associated with our actual physical senses.

Animals have two modes of sensing: focused, and panoramic. These are different ways of experiencing how life actually happens.

With focused sensing we can sense, think, and do, all at the same time. Focused thinking evolved to understand the distinction and relationship between objects, it always coordinates at least two things: a doer and a done to, a subject and an object. Focusing is very clever and it gets things done.

Panoramic sensing is the direct connection with everything happening in the immediate environment. It evolved for the purpose of responding spontaneously without thinking. It is non-judgemental, but it is not impartial or indifferent. Its primary use is to guard against danger – it makes life safe.

Humans only understand life within the context of focus points. We only understand a relationship between 'I' and 'God'; or self and the world; – without the panoramic feeling of being now and connected with it.

We're not seeing the whole picture because we're only using part of our sensory abilities to feel it with.

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