From something so fundamental to life, there are sure to be many short-term and long-term benefits.
You'll have often heard the common benefits – here and now, peace of mind, oneness, and balance – the reason i discuss them yet again, is because i can give short common-sense explanations of how and why they happen.
The Common Benefits
Being Here and Now
Panoramic sensing evolved to notice movements and life-signs here: in the immediate environment – and now: in the present moment. It can only be done here and now, because that's the only time movements and changes are actually happening.It's impossible to listen or see panoramically in the past or future.
We habitually focus on the past or the future. The usefulness of focusing is to do things and go places. Focusing is by definition selective, it always limits a general awareness of everything else which is happening. At best, we can only focus on a specific part of what is here and now.
If we want to be here and now, and do that here and now, (i.e. immediately and without hesitation or years of practice) go panoramic... it's nothing mystical or paradoxical... it's just practical; it IS here and now.
The in-depth page on this specific subject is How to be Now.
Peace of Mind

It is not possible to think or want in this state of being, because as soon as you think or want you will have started focusing.
Often we will notice first thoughts arising, recognise sparrows, trees swaying, car doors slamming, church bells ringing, but we are unable to develop the thought. If we developed any idea, we would lose our panoramic awareness, we would be focusing again.
Among vulnerable animals, panoramic awareness is motivated by fear. The advantage we have over animals is that we are safe; we don't need to run away at the first sign of a cat or dog. Modern humans could start enjoying all the positive side effects without the motivating fear. Our advantage has led to indifference.
Panoramic sensing is non-judgemental, but it is not impartial or indifferent. It is actively receptive, ready and waiting.
We don't need it for the same reasons as animals, physical safety; we need it for our psychological safety, if we don't stop thinking and wanting for a moment, we will slowly all go crazy.
Much of the site develops this idea. The in-depth page is How to Neutralise the Self-Perpetuating Wheels of Thoughts.
The Feeling of Oneness
It's a feeling of integration with the world around us. I describe this sensation on The Priority Pages.Panoramic sensing is the direct connection with what is happening in our surroundings. Evolution selected it, because it is the way to be instantly and intimately in touch with a wide variety of signals.
It is a selfless state of being. It needs to be selfless in order to be in touch with everything else. For animals this is no paradox, it's just practical.
Intensive panoramic sensing is a feeling of absorption in and with what's happening.
Focusing can also be absorbing, but focusing is always finite, by definition it excludes everything else which is happening. Trying to find oneness by focusing, is almost impossible.
The senses are usually seen as the door between us and the world outside us. In the panoramic reality, our senses connect us with the world. The feeling is : we are the door.
Panoraming belongs with that collection of rare words like love and empathy, as a state of being where the subject is intimately involved with the object.
The Balance
All ancient and modern therapies and meditations, try to help us find our hidden potential and bring our lives in balance.Panoramic sensing IS a forgotten talent and a hidden potential – and it's evolution's basic balance in life.
Animals balance all their focused activities with panoramic sensing. Vulnerable animals tend to alternate between the two modes.
Humans could use it as a balance for any therapy or religious practice, or anything else, practical or ethereal, which they focus on.
Panoraming is a different perspective on life. All other animals need to use both perspectives in order to survive. This is a basic balance in life which all other animals have.
A short summary on how humans balance work, play, sleep, and sex, can be found in Human vs. Animal Balance.
The Effects on Understanding
Panoramic sensing has been a gentle underlying influence which has changed my habitual way of seeing and understanding life. It has changed how i experience the world and many of my basic assumptions – the building blocks of my thoughts.
To Want, We Have To Focus
The clearest and most basic idea, comes from the experience that panoramic sensing is impractical for wanting. Wanting and thinking are based on focusing.Grounded in our spiritual traditions, our culture understands that sensuality (wanting) is dependent on the senses, and previously i would have agreed with this, but it isn't true. Sensuality is dependent on focusing.
When we want something, we repeatedly focus on it. The senses and thoughts can only want, when they are focusing. Using the senses in a panoramic way neutralises focusing, it neutralises thinking or wanting anything specific.
Pure panoraming is useless for thinking or wanting. The only thing panoramic sensing makes us want, if it's pleasurable, is to want to do more panoramic sensing.
Vulnerable animals need to use their panorama senses to stay safe. But actively wanting this would limit the pure panoramic awareness they need to survive. Pure panoramic perception has no specific want or desire, it is actively receptive.
Predatory animals have a way of combining their focused and panoramic abilities. They hunt for and have an intention of finding specific prey. Under the influence of focusing, we witness again the connection with wanting.
Much of the site develops this theme, and central to this is a page in Chapter 4 : Desire is Dependent on Focusing.
Reversing the Normal Rules

People who meditate often say that 'it comes by itself' so 'don't try so hard'. When focusing we need to learn to 'let it be'.
Panoramic sensing reverses some of the normal rules governing the search for peace of mind.
Trying to go panoramic, being attached to it, wanting it and then expecting it to work – all actually help to stimulate peace of mind and being here and now.
Why? Because it was built that way. It was built to be open and safe at the same time.
Animals have to be still and at peace inside, actively and directly receptive, and here and now – it's automatic. It's all been evolving for millions of years. It's reliable.
This situation is illustrated vividly in Slave to the Senses.
Change is Reality and Therefore Secure
There are occasional exceptions, but generally religion relies on stable eternally fixed focal points.Change is synonymous with impermanence – in turn this is often seen as an obstacle to the eternal and not the 'real self', because the real self is eternal and unchanging.
A prominent idea in some forms of Buddhism and Hinduism is that due to impermanence and change, any hope of fulfilment or security through attachments is illusory. And therefore to be free, we must let-go of all attachments.
But with panoramic sensing, we witness impermanence and change as normal and there is fulfilment and security in just being open to it.
Panoramic sensing evolved to recognise the changes, the insecure impermanences, it was built for that purpose. It was built to feel safe in those conditions, in exactly that environment.
Panoramic sensing involves non-attachment and letting go, but they're not the aim. The aim is watchfulness.
Change is where life is happening. Witnessing change is the door to living reality.
Our human analytical abilities have superimposed abstract forms onto life to try and make sense of it, (the circle of life, opposites, cause and effect).
Even if it can be explained afterwards by analytical thought, panoramic reality is full of spontaneous movements and changes happening randomly.
This is the spontaneity, the randomness, the element of surprise, and even, i would say, being alive.
This theme is developed throughout the site, and specifically in Sensing the Changes.
A Missing Part of Our Psychology
How we sense the world determines how we experience and understand it.This has often been said, and we think it implies that humans need to develop a deeper or different psychological understanding of life – we do! We need to apply the idea to our physical senses.
Modern culture is almost totally blind to the panoramic use of the senses.
Panoraming is a baseline experience for any philosophy or psychology of man. Then, without it, we are only experiencing and understanding a limited version of what human beings can do and be.
The entire 'blinkered' way we see the world is based in focusing. We're not considering the whole picture because we're only using part of our sensory abilities to feel it with.
Throughout evolution, panoramic perception has been the natural way to stop doing everything and be actively receptive, here and now, safe and open, wide awake and aware of anything and everything which might happen.
Panoraming directly stimulates peace of mind, and eliminates worry. Humans are missing out on an easily available, non-mystical, practical way of stilling the mind and being alive, finding a form of balance, and i suggest also, to feel safe and stop worrying. And consequently, human culture is missing out on it as well.
It's not surprising that after thousands of years developing a one-sided way of sensing life, humans are now running into difficulties. Chapter 3, Civilisations Habitual Ruts, develops this idea.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
There is some modern research on Psychology and Peripheral Vision which suggests that panoramic seeing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and even prevents Alzheimer's disease. These are areas i am not competent to discuss.James Conlon "Simply switching from foveal to peripheral vision when we feel anxious or stressed, activates the parasympathetic nervous system. As the two nervous systems can't be active at the same time the body will naturally calm."
It's interesting to know that panoramic sensing activates the parasympathetic. James Conlon appears to have researched this maybe more than anyone else, but predatory animals use both sensory systems at the same time. So at present i question the depth and value of this psychological perspective.
Modern psychological research suggests that intellectual and egoistical aims in life can be empowered and supported with 'peripheral seeing'.
Comparison with other Meditations and Beliefs
This is the most natural, easiest and direct way to feel at peace and wholesome. It's free, a human birthright. And can usually be re-learned within days or weeks, rather than years.Panoramic sensing is a practical expression of the Buddha's Middle Way. It fulfils all the criteria perfectly "without sensory indulgence or sensory withdrawal". Chapter 4, Buddhism and Wheels, explores this idea.
Also, it can be used in combination with any other form of focused worship or meditation etc. without endangering or subverting any cherished belief.
It is not as powerful as love or devotional belief can be; and i doubt if by itself it is strong enough to overcome the routine mechanics of the ego.
But it's easily accessible, and we can trust it to work without even having to believe in it. Therefore, it would be an excellent practical first step for most religious systems. Chapter 5, explores the connections between Panoramic Sensing and The Great Spirit.
Please continue with the Additional Benefits of Panoramic Sensing
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