Our religious and common understanding is that we are controlled by our desires. We talk about being slave to our senses and how to control them.

I see the senses as our slaves. It's not surprising they are hard to control.

I want to illustrate the situation with an analogy from human rights.

We use our senses like slaves who have no rights of their own. They are used to support and fulfil all our wants. Human senses are being controlled and manipulated by the bosses, our thoughts, our egos, our desires.

This seems, to our present understanding of life, perfectly reasonable and natural.

Our senses are being forced to work for the bosses, and their natural inborn abilities are being ignored and denied.

The bosses have been greedy, they have gobbled up so many ideas – and have developed an astounding ability to want even more, and so our senses have to work even harder to focus on getting what we want. Our senses are being forced to overfocus.

How can we organise a revolution? How can we enable our senses to overcome the bosses. How can we turn the tables? Could we even somehow reverse the situation and control how the bosses think?

And my answer is, observe animals. In the panorama mode the senses have their own rights, without any thoughts dominating them. What is sensed is registered and directly acted upon. When panoraming, the senses control and dominate the thoughts, desires, and actions.

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