Parent Page : The Benefits / Peace of Mind

One of the most noticeable effects of panoraming is not being able to think at the same time.

With focused sensing we can focus, think, and do, all at the same time in a coordinated manner, it's built and trained this way, it's very clever.

We can't think or want when we're fully alert and panoramically on the lookout. It's impossible. The reason is obvious, as soon as we start to think or want anything we start focusing, and in that moment we lose our panoramic awareness. It's also impractical; without pure panoramic awareness animals would die.

Even trying to go panoramic has the effect of temporarily slowing down the self-perpetuating abstract memory systems.

The panorama mode is useless for thinking – it's built to recognise and respond to things instantly.

Without trying it out, you might feel as though there is so much happening, that it would make you crazy to be aware of it all. And it would make us crazy if we had to focus and then think about it all; but to be aware of it all in the panoramic way, we can't think at the same time.

Listening is especially effective. Listening has an immediacy which the other senses don't have, and this is because sounds are sometimes very sudden and over in a split second. Smells and sights usually last at least a few seconds.

Focusing Always Confirms the Continuous Absent-Minded Chatter

Focusing was built to do things, its primary function is to do or get what we need or want. To get something we focus on it, we plan how to get it, we associate memories.

It's very difficult to stop thinking by focusing on something specific. Even by focusing on something beautiful in the present moment. Focusing habitually stimulates the process of thought association. It automatically stimulates the continuous chatter in our minds.

Both absent-minded and active focusing, confirm the self generating mechanics of thinking.

Active Panoraming

The natural way to stop thinking is by actively panoraming.

When sensing panoramically, we will recognise first thoughts arising, notice sparrows, trees swaying, car doors slamming, church bells ringing, but we are unable to develop the thought. As soon as we start to associate ideas, we lose our panoramic awareness.

Panoraming automatically neutralises abstract thinking. It disconnects the regenerating basis for thinking. It devolves the system. The more we do it, the more the endless wheels of turning and returning thoughts lose their re-confirmation, they lose their momentum.

When panoraming, we lose the clearly defined subject-object feeling, and that way of relating to, and thinking about the world in terms of a giving or taking relationship. It is without cause and effect, we only recognise the actual surface effect here and now.

This is not anything mystical or paradoxical ... It's not even a theory, it's practical and it's natural. Once you can do it, it's common sense.

Sensing in the panoramic way doesn't lead anywhere else. It doesn't lead anywhere because you need to focus to want or to do anything. The only thing panoramic sensing leads to, if it is pleasurable, is more panoramic sensing.

Non-Judgemental But Not Indifferent

And what possible harm could there be in trying to do something which every other animal does to stay safe?

Panoramic sensing is non-judgemental. The blackbird doesn't have time to form an opinion or understand when she sees danger, she responds instantly. (And in that moment she starts focusing because she wants something – to escape.) It is non-judgemental, but it is not impartial or indifferent.

This is relevant for human life, today more than ever. We need to be able to stop the continuous self-perpetuating chatter in our minds.

We need to get a bit of simple and direct peace of mind, without having to spend years learning and practising meditation techniques, without relying on theories, faiths, or beliefs.

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