Dukkha and Sukkha

Originally the word Dukkha (suffering) described when a wheel was problematic or not running smoothly.

There is another important word in Buddhism: Sukkha. Sukkha described when the wheel is running smoothly.

A good wheelwright would not only cure Dukkha, he would make a wheel Sukkha.

Buddhas's message was about far more than how to stop "suffering". Buddha found the answer to fulfilment in life; he found not only the answer to Dukkha, but also the way to make things Sukkha.

The Middle Way and the Third Noble Truth are both about a way to get life running smoothly, to make it Sukkha.

The Third Truth tells us that Dukkha will cease when craving ceases, and craving may be eradicated wherever in the world there is delight and pleasure.

The Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutra's Third Truth is very detailed. It lists sixty steps in the sensory process. It describes something which happens not only with the mind, but also with the tactile sense, the eye, the ear, the nose, and the mouth.

The Middle Way

In the Pali texts, there is very little written about the Middle Way. All we really know is the Middle Way is a way between the two extremes of sensual indulgence and sensory withdrawal.

Buddha had experienced both of these two extremes. The History and Mystery of The Middle Way tells us of Buddha's personal journey, first with sensual indulgence and then sensory withdrawal. It also discusses the traditional and current understandings of the Middle Way as either moderation, renunciation, or The Eightfold Path.

The Middle way is normally understood as moderation in our mental and emotional approach to life.

A Thought Process

I wanted to know if or how the Middle Way between the two extremes of sensual indulgence and sensory withdrawal, could be applied to the Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna's Third Truth with its emphasis on The Aggregates and The Six Senses.

When applied to the mind, i could only understand the Middle Way as an attitude to life involving moderation or non-attachment. But there was nothing decisive, nothing definite, just a broad area between two extremes.

When applied to the body, it seemed to indicate taking care of it, not ignoring it or delighting in it. Again, this left a broad area of moderation.

Moderation has many advantages. Wise local rulers and teachers would have known about the value of moderation – even everyday craftsmen and householders would have known its value – long before Buddha's time.

I could not believe that Buddha would proclaim anything about moderation at the same time as the Four Noble Truths, directly after his enlightenment. These teachings must have been about something new and special.

Then i asked myself, could the two extremes of sensual indulgence and sensory withdrawal be applied to the physical senses? – What else could i do with my eyes apart from focusing with them or closing them?

And immediately i thought of how some birds and horses see their entire visual field without focusing on anything special, with their so-called peripheral vision. This was a clear and specific third way.

At first i didn't think anymore about The Middle Way, i was just curious about how animals used this way of sensing. And my first experiments with this are described in the opening paragraphs of Welcome To The Panorama.

It took several years, for me to return to Buddhism and realise that the hunch was correct.

Panoramic sensing fulfils the criteria of the Middle Way perfectly. This is a practical expression of The Middle Way. Panoramic sensing is a way of using the senses, without any sensory indulgence or sensory withdrawal.

By "without sensory indulgence or sensory withdrawal" Buddha was again describing something for which there was no available terminology in pre-literate times.

The written word allowed languages to develop. However even in literate countries, the words to differentiate between focused and panoramic sensing didn't develop until the late 1800s.

With panoramic sensing, there is no sensory withdrawal. And as vulnerable animals use it, any form of specific intention or sensory indulgence, disrupts the ability to sense in this way. When sensing in this way, it is essential and natural to be free of desire. Desire or wanting are only possible with focusing.

Please continue with Desire is Dependent on Focusing

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