There is a misleading misconception in religious and spiritual circles, that the senses lead to sensuality and worldly desire. This idea has influenced our entire common and cultural understanding, and it is incorrect.

The senses can only lead to wanting and worldly desire when they are focusing.

Focusing and Desire

Focusing always holds us in a specific relationship, binds us in a specific direction.

Focusing doesn't automatically lead to wanting or worldly desire. But when it causes pleasure (or even promises some future pleasure) – depending on the degree of pleasure – then we start wanting.

And once we want something we will periodically and repetitiously remember it – we will refocus on it – thinking about it again in our minds, wanting it again in our actions.

Wanting and pleasure always result in repetitions, either an idea will repeat in our memory or an actual repetition in practical life.

A definition of wanting is repetitive focusing.

Focusing is the first step in the sequence which binds us to karma.

If getting something is also pleasurable then it confirms the want, and  – except for the times when we have just got it – we want more or something similar.

Wanting and sensory desire are always intrinsically connected with focusing. They're caused in part by focusing, and they always result in focusing.

But focusing isn't the only thing our senses can do.

Animals have a way of using their senses without focusing.

Panoramic sensing is the receptive awareness to everything happening in the immediate environment at this present moment.

In order for animals to use their panorama senses with any intensity, it is essential and natural for them to stop focusing on anything specific.

Panoramic sensing is the easiest and most natural way to neutralise all forms of doing, thinking, and getting, and all sensory desire or wanting.

Panoramic sensing, if it's pleasurable, can only lead to more panoramic sensing.

Vulnerable animals use their panorama senses to stay safe, and to want nothing more than just that. It is no coincidence that this is a selfless state of being.

Predatory animals have a way of combining their focused and panoramic abilities. They hunt for and have an intention of finding specific prey. Under the influence of focusing, we witness again the connection with wanting and desire.

Please continue with Sukkhist Buddhism

Related Page : The Benefits / To Want, We Have to Focus
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