Our Full Potential
The global cultural meltdown we experience now, will only happen once in the history of our planet. The present exchange of ideas, beliefs and values, is the most important crossing point human cultures will ever make... it could be a magical time.Exploring the full potential of our humanity is vital to our civilisation's future.
Every other animal uses them everyday. Animals don't believe in them for them to work, and we don't have to. This is a natural way of being. It isn't a religion.
Therapy and Meditation
All ancient and modern therapies and meditations, try to help us find our hidden potential and bring our lives in balance.Panaral sensing IS a hidden potential – and evolution's basic balance in life.
It's a human birthright which we have neglected. It can be re-learnt in a few weeks instead of years (or lifetimes) of meditation and psychotherapy.
Panaring makes focused activity safe. Panaring makes focused thinking safe.
When alternated, the two ways of sensing form a near perfect balance.
Focused thought will initially understand panaral and focused sensing as two opposite focal points which we must balance in the drama of a precarious tightrope act.Panaral and focused sensing are not opposites, they are very closely related. I'm talking about a feeling of balance with two feet firmly on solid earth. (If anything dreamless sleep is opposite to both.)
Panaring and focusing are like two good friends walking along together. Focusing does all the talking and decides which way to go. Panaring walks in front to check the way is clear. Without panaring, focusing would talk to itself and get lost.
From a focused point of view, we will think we need to 'let go' of focusing to find the balance; but then we will be focusing on 'letting go'. From the panaral perspective we just need to start sensing panarally, being directly aware of life as a whole.
My rational explanations are only a shell. With panaral sensing we can actually feel how our one-sided feeling for life, has created our one-sided individuality.
All you need is enough curiosity and self-discipline to spend 5 minutes every day for 3 weeks learning how to do nothing except copying vulnerable animals when they are being panarally aware.
Civilisations Neurosis
Perhaps there is a scientific explanation for neurosis, and a cure for it in the parasympathetic nervous system.But the essence of the problem is, that one thought follows the next automatically, we think that's natural, it isn't. It's an illness only humans have. Humans don't realise how easy it is to stop thinking.
The key point is that thinking and wanting are dependent on focusing.
Every other animal has frequent short intense interruptions when they stop focusing and therefore stop thinking. They stop still and wait empty minded and pre-emptively open to any stimuli. At these times, if they want anything, it is only to remain safe.
Panaral awareness directly stops the never ending patterns of thinking and wanting which are causing the pace of life to overrun our modern cultures.
Animal Therapy
Panaral sensing is useless for thinking or wanting, because as soon as we focus on anything specific – a thought or an object – we lose our panaral receptivity.Pre-emptive panaral listening interrupts our chronic preoccupation with thinking. And our thinking is almost always relative to our central ego. Panaral listening breaks the backbone of the ego-habit.
“I” won't be forgotten, but there's been a pause, a break in the habitual routine, it's not neurotic any more.
Panaral listening stops our internal chatter, and panaral vision reveals the world as an integrated whole.
At first, we might only be able to enter this new space for a split second at a time. Ideas and feelings will rush into the vacuum. But then, imagine you're a mouse and life is full of danger, it's essential to find that space inside again and be purely receptive. It's the only way to feel safe in panaral reality.
Change and Insecurity
Panaral reality reveals a world full of change and insecurity.Asian religions often describe the human suffering of trying to find fulfilment and security through attachments – this is thought to be an illusion, because of impermanence and change.
With panaral sensing, we witness impermanence and change as normal and there is fulfilment and security in just being open to and sensing it.
Panaral sensing evolved to stay safe in exactly those conditions, in an environment which was full of change and insecurity.
Coordination or Alternation
Vulnerable animals alternate their focused activites with frequent short periods of panaral sensing. This is a basic law of nature. They do this in order to stay safe.Predatory animals coordinate both modes of sensing. Coordination is very clever, it has an aura of doing something special which will inevitably appeal to some people.
But our culture doesn't need anymore cleverness or egoism.
The pure safe method is to alternate as vulnerable animals do.
In addition, even by rational logical reasoning, the ability to panar in its purest safest form, is indispensable to learn separately and first, before any realistic combination can be made.
The Common Good
Being in intimate contact with the environment, counteracts all our normal focused habits.The panaral experience has no concept of self-justification, success and achievement, no sense of pride or being right.
It is a state of consciousness where egoism is not possible. It interrupts the compulsive ego-habit for a moment. It's a time and space to appreciate something other than "me" and my relationship with life.
Panaral reality is an awareness of everything happening, at the same time, there is no central point.
How on earth can we ever hope to develop empathy for the common good without being aware in this generalised way.
This is a way of sensing the world which unifies all creatures, and people of all cultures at a fundamental level.
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