
Instinctive behaviour repeats without any noticeable change over generations.

squirrel learning how to drive a wheelHumans repeat learnt behaviour, learnt ideas involve focused learning, memorising, and repetition. And as we learn more, we need to repeat more.

The wheels of the repetitive focusing, learning, remembering system were set turning, we combined and created, and look how successful it all was!

squirrel driving a wheelWe developed a fascinating array of new toys and new tools and all of a sudden found ourselves with an Industrial Revolution which simultaneously specialised on smaller repetitious segments, and speeded up the whole process. Henry Ford gave this process gestalt (form), with piece work on assembly lines.

But all our inventions have an ever-increasing momentum of development, which require us to continually adapt quicker to the new stimuli which we create.

The car went faster and (apparently) more efficiently than horses. The Flintstones driving a car.So that between 1910 and 1930 the horse vanished from city streets, and with that the carriages, wheelwrights, stables, blacksmiths, oats and barley and an entire 5,000-year-old global balance and established structure of specialised social identities vanished. They were replaced with mechanics, garages, metal and rubber production, tarmacked roads, and oil manufacture.

Other people make a case for the climate. On a psychological level, the problem is the form of education needed. You can look after animals with empathy, carts with common sense, but cars and the industrial world need technical and abstract skills.

Education and Training

So, to contain the ever-increasing new knowledge, skills, and ideas, an ever-increasing early education in abstract thought is necessary.
And our modern education system systematically increases our focusing abilities and synchronically suppresses the natural development of our
panaral Panoramic sensing, the parasympathetic nervous system, and the lower brain. See The Panara Systems for details.

It's more extreme than that. Our modern education is a specific form of focusing  – a serious, rational, and logical way to use abstract words and images. This attitude even dominates music and art. Irrationally juggling with focal points in comedy is our only saving mystery.

Our practical skills are easily shared, often simply copied, and although they are increasing quickly, it's a fairly steady rate of increase. But in our abstract reality, the increase and diversity of thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and opinions, is exponential. The possibilities are maybe infinite.

Artificial Intelligence

And though i've missed a few steps, now we've developed Artificial Intelligence to cope with and contain all the combinations and associations between the abstract words, symbols, and ideas. A step which within a few years has already created a labyrinth of increasing possibilities.

AI. was always inevitable, it's the perfect expression of how we use our brains visual and auditory focusing talents, with their inherent repetitions and memory systems to coordinate all the ideas, all the focal points.

It is significant that AI. can't experience, and doesn't understand even the subliminal panaral systems of modern man. It has no connection with the parasympathetic nervous system, or with the senses of smell and taste which stimulate and are governed by the lower brain.

AI. is designed to further accelerate the combination of possibilities and ideas. Our world's abstract thinking capacities are destined to skyrocket. AI. is discussed in detail here.

Alice's Red Queen

Even though we are materially secure (in the Western world), we're collectively psychologically insecure, and we are compensating with our species' habitual survival stategy  – even more focusing. We're overfocusing.

Alice's Red Queen runningWe're in a ridiculous situation, like Alice's Red Queen, there simply isn't any time left to slow down because there is so much more to keep repeating.

We are being incredibly stupid. We have no free space left to remember and experience the relevance of panaral sensing.

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