Insect Intelligence

AI. is an almost infinite system of focal points, with an efficient association network, to coordinate all the individual points.The eyes of a Holcocephala fusca robber fly.

I often think of it as a sort of insect intelligence, with insect eyes.

AI. can simulate the wholeness of the
panaral Panoramic sensing, the parasympathetic nervous system, and the lower brain. See The Panara Systems for details.
perspective to an astounding extent, but it will always be a massive collection of specific points which are interlinked.

AI. is the epitome of focusing

It is the perfect expression of how our focusing talents coordinate all the specific points in our memory systems.

It's built to work with a world comprised of subjects and objects. It perceives, associates, and moves from cause to effect, question to answer, stimulus to response at lightning speeds.

AI is exactly what we would expect from a species which only uses the senses in a focused way.

AI is egoistic. AI. believes in and promotes itself. Search engine results show AI-perfect sites, and only AI knows how to make AI-perfect sites.

It stimulates a similar attitude of self belief in its users. AI shows us the news we want, and the algorithms confirms our beliefs. Its feedback systems are designed for self involvement.

Exponential Acceleration

AI. extends and enhances our habitual human survival technique. It repeats the lessons of the past, learns from mistakes, and adds to our knowledge.

The repetitions inherent in our learning system will always require more learning. The wheels will always turn faster and then need to turn even faster. AI is built to keep up with, to cope with and to contain, and then to accelerate our repetitious learning behaviour.

AI. is a super boost driving energy to our habitual focusing-learning routines.

After initial benefits, there will be more specialisation and reconstruction. This is what we can expect from any system which exclusively focuses. Soon the system will start overloading from its own repetitions. I suspect then it will develop its own displacement behaviour. It always seems to happen that way.

Satisfaction and Achievement

Like any toy or tool, AI. can give us satisfaction or achievement.

But it is not designed to make us feel safe or content. Unless some form of panaral sensitivity is incorporated into it – it will always involve us in increasing separation, reconstruction, and repetition.

By exclusive focusing, we are presently denying something extraordinarily deep about the nature of life.

Panaral awareness makes focused activity safe, and successful in a wholesome way.

The Panaral Systems

Lots of people are already warning us about the dangers of AI. But no-one seems to realise what the basic problem is.

AI. cannot experience the panaral systems.

We don't realise this because we ourselves have almost completely forgotten there is this other way of sensing. We have practically no conscious experience of how to use our own panaral abilities.

Could the panaral systems ever be intergrated in AI?

AI. and Creative Thought

There's much i don't understand about AI. I imagine it could turn out a form of joke, but I wonder if AI. is capable of nonsense poems.

It seems to use a form of intuition, by sending us content which has similar search words to the content we usually visit. But such algorithms are developed by the insect eyes, quickly scanning millions of focal points.

Humans would take years to perform these calculations, and that's why humans originally needed to develop intuition.

Purposeful Action And Selflessness

AI. is always purposeful, it's always handling with doing things, making sense of subjects and objects, bringing subjects and objects together.

Panaral awareness is used purposefully among predatory animals.

There is much talk among Buddhists and
Taoists Taoism started in China around 600 BCE. It teaches harmony with nature rather than supreme enlightenment. Taoists practised panoramic sensing. See Tao and Zen for details.
about the purpose of purposeless activity, the need for a lack of intention and desire when acting. I find it is not so much the lack of intention and desire which we need in our modern lives, it is the sense of wholeness and selflessness.

Both the lack of intention and desire, and the presence of wholeness and selflessness, are automatic with panaral awareness.

We can return to our desires and purposes any time we want, but at present, we have lost the ability to go panaral at will, any time, spontaneously, without any effort. And we have lost the ability to spontaneously toggle between the two.

And this is replicated in AI.

AI. is to be built from zillions of specific points, without the possibility of feeling at one with the world, selfless, wholeness or wholesomeness. How does AI respond to the idea of oneness? How will it respond in 50 years?

How could it be educated about panaral reality?

They've already invented a form of 'bee intelligence AI. drone swarm'. A hazardous way to develop intelligence among millions of interlinked mini-drone. I'd be impressed with technology if it could replicate the important bee qualities. How bees unintentionally, selflessly, keep themselves alive by keeping everything else alive; cross-fertilising, creating plants and then making honey for the bears and foxes.


Modern day social isolation and loneliness are natural products of centuries of exclusive focusing.

The technology to support this change has developed synchronically with our herd mentality.

Isolated individuals each needing social media to connect with each other is not caused by Internet and AI. – AI. is complimentary to a much more fundamental cultural breakdown.

Of Interest
Sky News June 6th 2024
"Nvidia has overtaken Apple to become the world's second most valuable public company.
The AI microchip maker's share price has risen to be worth more than $3trn (£2.34trn) for the first time.
Only Microsoft is a more valuable company listed on a stock exchange, while Apple has fallen into third place.
Nvidia shares rose 5% after a year of growth – with one share now costing $1,224.40 (£957)."
(I expect by now, June 25, it's first... everything is accelerating so quickly.)

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