Sensing The Changes

Listening has an immediacy which the other senses don't have. This is because sounds are sometimes very sudden and over in a split second. Smells and sights usually last at least a few seconds. Listening requires and stimulates nowness like no other sense.

Listening panoramically is related to how we normally listen, it's far easier than seeing.


Listening actively and openly to everything is a good first step; but regular background sounds are irrelevant for animals. Listen-out for the changes.

Listen actively for short sudden warning signs, such as bangs, cries, or barks; A fox moving its ears and listening.even quiet sounds, like a twig snapping, are important.

In its most sensitive form, panoramic listening is an active receptive presence, it is pre-emptive listening, always ready and waiting, a second before things happen.

Being alert to changes and movements in the immediate environment is vital to any animal's survival. And especially these days above the constant hum of machines, it is necessary for animals to listen-out.

Listening-out Nearby and Into The Distance

Imagine how early man might listen-out for distant wild boar, buffalo, or horses; or nearby tigers, snakes, or tasty insects.

It depends on where you are and what sort of background noises there are, but i often listen-out for dogs and children; at night for hedgehogs and owls. I don't often hear them; that's irrelevant, listening-out for them is the vital part.

deer drinking and listening outListening-out for specific signals is a helpful step, but it inevitably limits a full panoramic awareness; so always check for any, especially quiet, or distant surprises. Listen-out for things which aren't there yet, but might happen anytime.

There is no better, more direct, or readily available way than 'listening-out' to stop thinking, or at least slow the thoughts down for a few seconds and enjoy a moments inner peace.

If we empathise with animals' way of listening, we can't think. If we start thinking, we are not able to listen out for sudden sounds.

Panoramic listening requires and stimulates nowness like no other sense.

The Priority Pages continue with The Magic Terrace
Chapter One continues with Breathing, Smelling, and Tasting

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