Listening-out Internally

Though it's a curious wording, listening-out internally is easy to do. I don't mean the intuitive 'listening inside' for 'the spirit's messages', i mean actually listening to bones and muscles.

You can listen-out in a panoramic way inside your whole body, or listen focused on specific areas. You won't often hear anything, but exactly like with listening-out externally, that's not the point, it's the openness and readiness to hear which is the vital part.

Realise you can listen to bones and joints. In the same way you can 'listen-out' in a specific direction outside your body.

Listen-out into your hands and arms, listen to your legs... the first curious thing i noticed with this, was when i listened in my legs and feet, my stomach started rumbling. I also get this with the fingers. The parasympathetic rumblings of the stomach are a well recognised sign to physiotherpists that their treatment is effective.

There's a background beating of the heart, but that's more of a sensation than a sound.

I find it's especially good to listen to the spine, or any stiffness... notice how just listening relaxes the area, very occasionally bones pop into place.

Note also that ear plugs isolate and amplify the sounds inside your own body. You can try listening inside and outside, but i suggest first get a good feeling for both independently.

Seeing inside the body

This is a visualisation of the sense of touch and it seems to occur naturally as a consequence of listening inside. It is a feeling that you are seeing inside your body like an x-ray.

I am certain that animals with a high visual accuity have a vivid imaginary picture of how they look inside.

Obviously this visualisation involves a strong element of imagination, and although this is based in the actual feeling of inner touch, it still means it's open to all sorts of weird influences, which i would like children to clarify.

The effect is that the body feels much larger than it actually is, and there is a pleasant sense of emptiness.

Please continue with Creative Dozing

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