pika on the lookout

finch on the lookout

Owl almost invisible


Bunny rabbit enjoying a strawberrynight traffic lights Van Gogh - Cornfield with CrowsCat and dog focus on the TV.magpie learning how to operate a seesaw




Beaver giving an eye massageBeaver giving an eye massageMethods of Physical Exercise.

A beaver rubbing his eyes.

ape beating on chestbear getting a back rub against a treeGood for clearing the lungs.

Or, how to do it yourself back massage. I sometimes rub my back against door frames, first one side of the spine, then the other.

Turkey dad doing a perfect job.

pigmy goat on seesawhorse and goat on a rocking boardBalance in Life

Pigmy goat learns how a seesaw works.

Horse rocking and rolling and a goat gets a free ride. .

pigeon rocking on a shovelAlso an enterprising pigeon.

I have to keep writing's the easiest way to program so many gifs.

starling on the lookoutA Couple of Extras

Starling in the rain.

Two kittens sharing midday lunch.


lovely but rather dozy donkey playing with its earsAnd a cuddly but rather dozy donkey, it seems domesticated animals also lose some of their panoramic astuteness.

Duck flying on top of a craneOnline Pigeon mesmerised by social media.

And a lazy and clever duck flying on a crane.


Beluga whale dancing in bubblesA beluga whale playing with bubbles he's just blown. Dolphins do this too.



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